Vitamins and Minerals For Healthy and Beautiful Hair

One of the most important vitamin for maintaining healthy hair is vitamin A. You can get it from sources such as watermelon, dark leafy green vegetables and meat.

Beautiful hair with Vitamin A - How?

1. It contains antioxidants that work to moisturize sebum in the scalp.

2. It will fight the free radicals from pollution. As a result, your hair will feel lighter and have a better body.

3. It will strengthen and thicken your hair so much stronger up to the roots.

Vitamin B-Complex

When say about complex, mean it contains every type of vitamin B in the market, including vitamin B6, B12 and Biotin. Here are the results if you regularly taking a B-complex:

1. Reducing hair loss.

2. Slow your hair to become gray, because vitamin B slowing the aging process.

3. Your hair become longer ins short period due to faster hair growth.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is known for its ability to soften the skin, vitamin E also is an important vitamin for healthy hair because it helps blood circulation, which is essential for a healthy scalp. When you have a healthy scalp, the result is:

1. The hair becomes softer and more curls.

2. The problem will be solved branched hairs. Foods that contain vitamin E include nuts, spinach and tomatoes.

Folic Acid

How Folic Acid can help ?:

1. Preventing graying hair.

2. Makes your hair thicker.

3. Make your hair more shiny.

4. Adding moisture to your hair to reduce hair damage. Folic acid can also be found in whole grain breads and cereals.


Zinc is a mineral that is great for hair loss treatment. Zinc helps control hormone in the body while working to maintain oil glands release from your scalp.

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